1. When they say its 10:1 guys to girls ratio,
they are not kidding.
2. But it still doesn’t mean every girl has a
boyfriend. But every girl does and must have
a boy as a friend. Friend flirt like that? Mostly.
3. Four years to forget whatever science you
learnt in 11 and 12 standard.
4. Four years for developing a tough skull
through which the new knowledge doesn’t
seep in.
5. We miss school teachers. We miss school.
6. Canteen is college.
7. Xerox wale uncle/ Bhaiya knows the syllabus
better than us.
8. Regular self study is rare and is considered a
disease. People are always ready to provide
you with the cure. My friends are having MD/ FRCS in that !!
9. TV series and movies.
10. Lots of movies.
11. Procrastination taken to another level.
12. Pointers. Never to be asked.
13. Never liked first bench ...Always empty row.
14. We bunk and we flunk (well almost)
15. The geek guys are used for assignments,
tutorials and answer suppliers during
16. Research paper publishers; Respect. And
17. Placement; Party.
18. Seniors; Party.
19. Birthday; Party.
20. In a relationship; Party.
21. Pointers; Party.
22. Basically anything; Party.
23. Industrial visit; visits industries only in the name...
24. Weed; Don’t even get me started.
25. Trips are not to be planned with an all girls
group. They would most probably back out.
26. Own A DSLR; Open a photography page on
Facebook. And be close to stage during
celebrity nights.
27. Festivals; Heads don’t work properly. Never
ever. Even if it’s you.
28. Various Clubs; We try too hard to keep them
active throughout the year.
29. It still doesn’t work out.
30. No hot guys or hot girls in the same year.
31. Seniors are always more attractive. And in
relationships. Juniors are kids (from a girl’s
perspective). Doesn’t matter if they are in
any relationship. They are still kids.
32. Those localite friends and their vehicles.
33. Hostel wardens. Creatures of another world.
34. Principal. Creature of another planet.
35. Professors. Do not belong to this universe.
36. Teaching assistants. LOL.
37. Lab assistants. The noble people.
38. Practicals? The day you pretend to be sincere to your staffs!
39. Friends and roomies. Worth spending the
four years with.
40. Internships / IPT - a picnic inside a prison with many new friends.
41. Career? What career? WHAT WOULD I DO
44. Happiest as well as the most depressing
phase of life.
45. Ironic..I know ... Fb news feed will be filed with friend' s status "got placed in " but those companies you never heard of or wanted to get into !!!
46. And when you have nothing to do. In
irritation, you end up opening your blog/
Facebook page/ Twitter account/ Tumblr
blog/ Youtube channel.
47. After four years, you are in 10 standard
again. The world is open to you. What field
would you choose? You can even do MBBS if
you are crazy enough. Chances are quite
high that you will quit main stream engineering and get into some IT companies competing with CS students ...
48. Bachelor of Technology/ Engineering?
Bwahhahahahahahahahahahaha! What is the difference between them....you will think while filling job application forms !!!
49. Chanting for govt jobs at final even though you know you are not prepared to face those stupid idiotic foolish system of competitive exams....
Thought that floats on my mind..
Saturday, 20 September 2014
49 Things I Learned After Getting Enrolled In An Engineering College .. The 50th thing I learnt is - Engineering Rocks!
Wednesday, 20 August 2014
Do you know what is ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE ?? Check mine!!
Do you know why all celebrities are doing this ICE bucket Challenge for the past two weeks ?
Yep I will say!!
In last few days, the Ice Bucket Challenge has been picking up traction across United States.
The activity involves dumping a bucket of icy water over your head to raise awareness/donations for the ALS Association in the United States.
If you’ve thought ‘what’s that about?’, well here’s your answer.
Called the ice bucket challenge, it was created by the ALS Association, who are working to fight Amyotrophic lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s Disease or Motor Neurone Disease in the UK. The challenge is this: film yourself getting doused with a bucket of ice water, post the video to social media and then nominate your friends to do the same. If you’d rather not have freezing water dumped on your head, you are asked to donate to an ALS charity of your choice.
So far, the challenge has been undertaken by the likes of Oprah Winfrey, Robert Downey Jr, Bill Gates, Gwen Stefani, Mark Zuckerberg, Steven Spielberg, Taylor Swift and Cristiano Ronaldo.
Wednesday, 16 April 2014
It's Not Darkness... Say Ignorance !!!
Do you come home from work and simply fall down in front of the TV where you spend your time until you sleep?
If the answer is yes, perhaps you should consider living life yourself instead of by proxy. You’re going to wake up
one day regretting how you spent your limited time in existence. A human lifespan is just a cosmic blink when you consider the age of the Earth, our galaxy and the universe. To waste it, is to give up the ultimate gift . The problem lies not with everyone , the ideas are everywhere, but motivation is seemingly nonexistent.
Ask yourself a few questions-
Do I have a passion?
Am I refining/advancing my skills and knowledge of something daily?
Do I know exactly what I want in life?
These are all big questions. But most passionate, successful and motivated people not only answered yes to all of them instantly, but they even knew the “what” and “why” as well without much thought.
If you didn't answer yes to all of these, it may be the day to rethink your life.
If you haven’t found that incredible spark and excitement for life yet, here’s the reality: it isn't just going to randomly happen or fall into your lap. It isn't the result of lots of money, nor is it the result of chance and circumstance. It is the result of freeing yourself mentally and engaging your intellect. It is the result of an internal drive that is unstoppable.
There are so many engaging, interesting and ultimately fulfilling things to spend your free time doing. The question is......
how can you not find a passion?
Once you have found it, it’s amazing and indescribable – no one can sway your thoughts and your concentration.
When you know exactly what you want in life and what really drives you, you’ll never again be bored, tired or
unfulfilled. Seemingly boundless inspiration and motivation will be brought forward.
Life itself presents infinite challenges and mysteries, but only finite amount of time to explore them. That’s why having a focus is vital – we’re all only given X amount of time to accomplish what we set forth, and you certainly
cannot do everything.
People who spend their free time engaged in a passion are happier, more creative and more dynamic in their personality than those who merely spend their time as consumers of vapid entertainment pop-culture.
Perhaps, most of you reading here understand this......
If yes, this post was not for you. It is for everyone who is living life by proxy and for those who haven’t yet found a passion and embraced their true, creative self.
It’s better late than never.
If the answer is yes, perhaps you should consider living life yourself instead of by proxy. You’re going to wake up
one day regretting how you spent your limited time in existence. A human lifespan is just a cosmic blink when you consider the age of the Earth, our galaxy and the universe. To waste it, is to give up the ultimate gift . The problem lies not with everyone , the ideas are everywhere, but motivation is seemingly nonexistent.
Ask yourself a few questions-
Do I have a passion?
Am I refining/advancing my skills and knowledge of something daily?
Do I know exactly what I want in life?
These are all big questions. But most passionate, successful and motivated people not only answered yes to all of them instantly, but they even knew the “what” and “why” as well without much thought.
If you didn't answer yes to all of these, it may be the day to rethink your life.
If you haven’t found that incredible spark and excitement for life yet, here’s the reality: it isn't just going to randomly happen or fall into your lap. It isn't the result of lots of money, nor is it the result of chance and circumstance. It is the result of freeing yourself mentally and engaging your intellect. It is the result of an internal drive that is unstoppable.
There are so many engaging, interesting and ultimately fulfilling things to spend your free time doing. The question is......
how can you not find a passion?
Once you have found it, it’s amazing and indescribable – no one can sway your thoughts and your concentration.
When you know exactly what you want in life and what really drives you, you’ll never again be bored, tired or
unfulfilled. Seemingly boundless inspiration and motivation will be brought forward.
Life itself presents infinite challenges and mysteries, but only finite amount of time to explore them. That’s why having a focus is vital – we’re all only given X amount of time to accomplish what we set forth, and you certainly
cannot do everything.
People who spend their free time engaged in a passion are happier, more creative and more dynamic in their personality than those who merely spend their time as consumers of vapid entertainment pop-culture.
Perhaps, most of you reading here understand this......
If yes, this post was not for you. It is for everyone who is living life by proxy and for those who haven’t yet found a passion and embraced their true, creative self.
It’s better late than never.
Friday, 4 October 2013
Face Recognition Using Matlab
I am doing my work on image processing using Matlab .I tried to get information about it on net but nothing seems to be accurate for Face recognition.Hope you guys enjoy this algorithm created by me.I just Modified the Kalman's one.So,If u can't understand my algorithm,refer Kalmans .
I tried to reduce noise and identify face map,mouth map,eye map in this code,...
This matlab program will check the realtime generated password and if they are matched,it will capture and process the image,and if the image eigen values are mismatched, it will raise a flag in-order to indicate anonymous access.,
This matlab program will check the realtime generated password and if they are matched,it will capture and process the image,and if the image eigen values are mismatched, it will raise a flag in-order to indicate anonymous access.,
Please find the code below...
To Send email to the banker if an unknown person enters...click here
To read more about real-time password generator
Download m-file here
I found uTo Send email to the banker if an unknown person enters...click here
To read more about real-time password generator
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Image Processing - Matlab |
Download m-file here
face recognition,
final year,
image processing,
security using matlab,
Tuesday, 10 September 2013
MOTHER LANGUAGE-Yet to be buried!!
It was a chill evening ,sun went to its bed earlier,rain started to drizzle as it is the month of monzoon burst in Kerala.I felt relief after finishing my events at Drishti,CET,Kerala.. which made me to strain over a week.So,I decided to make a leisure walk along the silent hill of Srikaryam,Trivandram.On the way, I met a person with wrinkled skin,old aged who was standing in search of his way .I saw him from a long distance and as I was nearing him ,he saw me with a smiled face and he asked me to show the way for the address in Tamil . It was strange for me to see a tamil speaking person in kerala but happy too.The address in his card was near to the place where we were .I didn't want to let the aged man alone. so, I decided to take him to his destiny by walk along with me.The road was stark silence while we were walking towards his home .We started our conversation with a good topic,' Tamil ',but with a quite strange slang.Yes.,I used Chennai Tamil and he used some rare Tamil as Srilankan tamil but both understood what we were talking about.He said that he is from a place called savane in Mauritius and he came to India for the first time owing to an official purpose in College Of Engineering,Trivandram.Then I was wondered ,how could he speak Tamil very well,as he is with a Mauritius nativity.
He just laughed at me and said that in Mauritius ,about 70% of families were having Tamil as their mother tongue.They had moved from India to Mauritius well before 3 generations back,during the regime of British Raj. I asked him,what is the national language of Mauritius .He said there is no official language in their country but ,most of the people were trying to learn French for job opportunities. He also said, Initially Tamil was kept as official language few hundreds of years back.But as the days roll,people were loosing hope on their mother tongue and Tamil language is reaching to its extinct .I asked ,Is there any contacts with India for those immigrants.He answered yes but not for Tamil families.He told "Indian government's new policy on Hindi languages has made Indian embassy in Mauritius to encourage Hindi language among us.In Mauritius ,we would have been telecasted some Tamil movies in TV channels eventually few year back.Now a days,may be due to the ignorance of Indian embassy/any other political issues, Tamil movies were not released in our Island and but Hindi movies are released sometimes.In our residential area,most of the children have forgotten their mother tongue."
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He told this words with a disgust,hatred feeling on the nature of Indian Embassy in India.After this speech ,we both had walked silently thinking of the future status of Tamil language in India.I left him to his quatress and I made a returned to my hostel.
From the conversation with him,I felt myself without an ease,thinking that our future generation will be nailed out with a lack of Tamil knowledge.I agree that a common language is the most powerful tool for a nation's integrity.But it should not deploy the cultural languages.This is not a single person's mistake Each and every person starting from the house to government has failed to secure their traditional languages.Studying their mother tongue in school level at least till 10th std should be kept compulsory.Just scoring the marks in other languages is not enough.Knowing the heritage of their own ancestral tradition is important and that can be obtained only from their mother language.
"Speaking English is like tongue-twist for me. I can speak each word perfect, but then you have to string them together like, 'Blah, blah, blah.' That's when I get crazy." - Jackie
"Speaking English is like tongue-twist for me. I can speak each word perfect, but then you have to string them together like, 'Blah, blah, blah.' That's when I get crazy." - Jackie
Let us take the case of our very own students hailing from Tamil medium schools who are confident and happy individuals suddenly transplanted into a hostile and alien atmosphere where they are linguistically at sea as Hindi is the medium of instruction in most PSU exams dispensing good jobs.
We have seen these children transforming before our eyes into timid, sullen individuals whose creativity and voice are silenced by the linguistic imperialism of English.
Grandmothers and Grandfathers
Thank you for our language
that you have saved for us.
It is now our turn to save it
for the ones who are not yet born.
May that be the truth!
Original ideas are the product of one's own mother tongue. On account of the facility of thought and expression, new and original ideas take birth and get shape only in one's own mother tongue.
Learn Hindi,Don't forget Tamil!!
If you know my mother tongue,
you can read this....
திருச்சிராப்பள்ளி பெயர்க்காரணம்.............
If you know my mother tongue,
you can read this....
திருச்சிராப்பள்ளி பெயர்க்காரணம்.............
திருச்சிராப்பள்ளி என்ற பெயர் திரிஷிராபுரம் (திரிஷிரா-மூன்று தலை; புரம்-ஊர்) என்ற சமசுகிருத வார்த்தையிலிருந்து தோன்றியதாகப் பரவலாக நம்பப்படுகிறது. இந்து சமயப் புராணங்களில் 'திரிசிரன்' என்ற பெயருடைய மூன்று சிரங்களைக் கொண்ட அரக்கன், இவ்வூரில் சிவபெருமானைப் பூசித்துப் பலனைடைந்தததாகக் கூறப்படுகிறது. இதனால் இவ்வூருக்குத் திருச்சிராப்பள்ளி என்னும் பெயர் ஏற்பட்டது என்ற கருத்து நிலவினாலும் அது பலராலும் ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளப்படவில்லை.
சி. பி. பிரவுன் எனும் தெலுங்கு அறிஞர் சிறிய ஊர் எனப் பொருள் தரும் "சிறுத்த-பள்ளி" என்ற வார்த்தையிலிருந்து திருச்சிராப்பள்ளி என உருவாகியிருக்கும் என்ற கருத்தைத் தருகிறார்.16 ஆம் நூற்றாண்டைச் சேர்ந்த கல்வெட்டு ஒன்றில் திருச்சிராப்பள்ளி, திரு-சிலா-பள்ளி (பொருள்: "புனித-பாறை-ஊர்)" எனக் குறிப்பிடப்பட்டுள்ளதால் அதிலிருந்து இப்பெயர் வந்திருக்கலாம் என்ற கருத்து உள்ளது.வேறு சில அறிஞர்கள் "திரு-சின்ன-பள்ளி" (புனித-சிறிய-ஊர்) என்பதிலிருந்தும் உருவாகியிருக்கலாம் என்ற கருத்தினைக் கொண்டுள்ளனர்.
இது தென்னாட்டுக் கைலை மலை என்றும் புகழப்படுவது. திருச்சி மலைக்கோட்டையில் காணப்படும் குகையில் 'சிரா' என்னும் பெயருடைய சமணத் துறவி தங்கியிருந்து தவமிருந்ததாக அக்குகையில் உள்ள பதினோராம் நூற்றாண்டுக் கல்வெட்டு கூறுகிறது. சிரா துறவியின் பள்ளி, சிராப்பள்ளி என்றாகி அதுவே இவ்வூருக்குப் பெயராகி உள்ளது என்றும் கருதப்படுகிறது.
Thursday, 22 August 2013
Whatever I have been talked about so far;this one is different, because here I am not talking about economy of a country or love story,Its a more serious issue.Its about how we think and act.This post will definitely urge people to reflect upon.May be people may stop reading may blog too after this because someone has said..
Social Conditioning is defined as the way, things have been taught us in this world.What if I say, this morning I woke up,I felt like having a cup of tea in New York,so from my roof,I took a flight in the air and had a cup of tea and went back, doing my daily ordeals.
You won't take a second to realize that what I wrote is definitely impossible.Why because you know,no human can surpass the newton's law of gravity under normal conditions.
But who taught you this?
Who taught us what is correct what is wrong?I am not talking about something obvious about violation to law of gravity but Just think for a second what if everything is embedded,what if all the principles on which we act are fed or generated by an idea based on feeding .We have no thing to think of our own.
Well to make you get a surface idea of what I am talking: lets talk about some grey areas; Areas thought differently by different people.Who taught us to divide ourselves on the basis of color,caste,creed etc.
We have all been conditioned that the caste/color/creed we belong is the best and we are really happy in being chauvinistic about it.
Not Just it We have all defined what is good or what is bad.If a guy and girl in a relationship hold hands in private its not at all bad,but LOVE it's considered a taboo.Why because someone taught you;that its bad..Only vulgar people do it many times before marriage.Or even if it wasn't taught,it came embedded.Don't get me wrong.I am not saying people who have love are sort of bad or anything like that,I am just being cynical of certain people's bullshit having many affairs ,their conservative psychology and beliefs .
More in the next part..But for a change,Let your mind be free..
Before that please consider my words..
Is social conditioning really evil or good ?
How to discriminate between what is obviously correct and what is pseudo Correct if the conditioning comes from your elders?
People will hate you, if you make them think.They are only comfortable, if you feed them letting them think, they are thinking.
Social Conditioning is defined as the way, things have been taught us in this world.What if I say, this morning I woke up,I felt like having a cup of tea in New York,so from my roof,I took a flight in the air and had a cup of tea and went back, doing my daily ordeals.
You won't take a second to realize that what I wrote is definitely impossible.Why because you know,no human can surpass the newton's law of gravity under normal conditions.
But who taught you this?
Who taught us what is correct what is wrong?I am not talking about something obvious about violation to law of gravity but Just think for a second what if everything is embedded,what if all the principles on which we act are fed or generated by an idea based on feeding .We have no thing to think of our own.
Well to make you get a surface idea of what I am talking: lets talk about some grey areas; Areas thought differently by different people.Who taught us to divide ourselves on the basis of color,caste,creed etc.
We have all been conditioned that the caste/color/creed we belong is the best and we are really happy in being chauvinistic about it.
Not Just it We have all defined what is good or what is bad.If a guy and girl in a relationship hold hands in private its not at all bad,but LOVE it's considered a taboo.Why because someone taught you;that its bad..Only vulgar people do it many times before marriage.Or even if it wasn't taught,it came embedded.Don't get me wrong.I am not saying people who have love are sort of bad or anything like that,I am just being cynical of certain people's bullshit having many affairs ,their conservative psychology and beliefs .
More in the next part..But for a change,Let your mind be free..
Before that please consider my words..
Is social conditioning really evil or good ?
How to discriminate between what is obviously correct and what is pseudo Correct if the conditioning comes from your elders?
Monday, 22 April 2013
Hybrid Power Generator
Every innovations starts from a simple day to day life problem like you watching IPL in TV and suddenly the current shuts off, fortunately you will find another way to watch the match via mobile network. Similarly,
we have created can be availed by people at all places to charge their mobile
phones, cameras, torch lights, headsets, to power microcontrollers, run servos,
etc. This can be carried to anywhere and used at anytime during trekking,
travel journey ,forestry visit, and also during emergency period wherever you
are in need of a power source. By making some changes in switch, the can be
able to supply light energy / battery power to the mini-fan or you can convert
a wind energy (at night time) to light obtained by powerful green LED. Thus it is not only a solar powered mobile charger,wind powered mobile charger, it
can also be used as a multi purpose pocket generator.The PCB implementation of his model greatly reduces the size to fit in your pocket.
© 2013 http://www.pragadeesan.blogspot.in/ All rights reserved
I too had faced a problem of frequent drains in mobile battery while travelling somewhere in bus or while walking on the endless roads to our destination during hot sunny day.
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feedback amp ckt |
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A block diagram |
Finally,I came up with an idea of utilizing the negative energies around to positive energies for my use.Absolutely now,I have got an idea, but,where to start with??Even, I didn't have enough knowledge to keep the name for my idea.I think you already know that.There are many innovative projects on wind powered mobile charger which looks huge enough to produce 5vdc but they weighs more and bulky.Ok. Right back to our topic, I gathered some information from them for my project and started with a basic 12 volt DC motor. I used it to generate power for my mobile phones..and it ended up with failure.Then I used an feedback amplifier circuit but it was so huge enough that if everyone uses my project in a train, then the train have to move with a greater effort..
Then got an idea!!!
A Multisource Pocket Generator(MPG)
Multisource Pocket Generator(MPG) is a portable and constant power source that
can be utilized anywhere around the world. The world is in demand of proper
utilization of renewable sources owing to frequent power failure. The MPG is
the best choice of interest for the utilization of alternate energies ,facilitated
with high portability.
Now my aim is to construct a portable power source that depends on renewable energies with efficient
utilization of available resources. The MPG receives energy from renewable
resources like wind or solar energy and convert it into an electrical energy
with output 5 DCvolt .In the absence of any of the above renewable sources, the
5 V MPG can be used with a single 1.5 volt battery to produce 5V DC output. The
problem of bulkiness, armature reaction in mini-wind generator and irregular
availability of renewable sources are recovered by using our methodologies.To reduce the size of my generator without reducing the power output,I have to reduce the power losses and this will be discussed here..
It consists of a power generator ,an amplifier circuit and an output port. The
power generator may be a wind sourcing DC generator(range may be 1 v to 3 v) or
a solar cell of dimension(4cm x 2cm) owing to portability or compatibility .The
amplifier circuit amplifies the produces current to 5V DC. The IC used in this
amplifier circuit is Max 756
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Implemented ckt |
MAX 756:
MAX756/MAX757 are CMOS step-up DC-DC switching IC for small, low input voltage
or battery-powered systems. The MAX756 accepts a positive input voltage down to
0.7V and converts it to a higher pin-selectable output voltage of 3.3V or 5V.
The MAX757 is an adjustable version that accepts an input voltage down to 0.7V
and generates a higher adjustable output voltage in the range from 2.7V to
5.5V. Typical full-load efficiencies for the MAX756/MAX757 are greater than
The MAX756/MAX757 provide three improvements over transistor devices. Physical size is reduced-the high switching frequencies (up to 0.5MHz) made possible by MOSFET power transistors allow for tiny (< 5mm diameter) surface-mount magnetics. Efficiency is improved to 87% (10% better than with low-voltage regulators fabricated in bipolar technology). The switching frequencies can be improved by using ARM cortex M4 upto 1MHZ.
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max 756 architecture |
The MAX756/MAX757 provide three improvements over transistor devices. Physical size is reduced-the high switching frequencies (up to 0.5MHz) made possible by MOSFET power transistors allow for tiny (< 5mm diameter) surface-mount magnetics. Efficiency is improved to 87% (10% better than with low-voltage regulators fabricated in bipolar technology). The switching frequencies can be improved by using ARM cortex M4 upto 1MHZ.
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Waveform Analysis |
the current rating, care has been taken to maintain current value well above
350mAH by using coil oscillator across LBI(Low battery Input) and LX(Waveform
Maintenance) in Max 756.
problem of bulkiness, armature reaction in mini-wind generator and irregular
availability of renewable sources are recovered by using following
voltage fluctuation due to the irregular availability of sources can be
compensated by using Zener diode regulator(Zener diode used here must be 5.1
volt- 1N4733A) .
bulkiness are reduces by choosing small DC generator/solar cell of low power
rating and then amplifying it to 5V and by cyclically reducing the bandwidth of
the ripples by using JK-flip flop clocked by T-flip flop as a counter.
armature reaction due to the flow of current can be minimized by using
brushless generator with halls
sensors.Due to this arrangement ,self induced emf is removed using halls effect.
efficiency of solar panel can be increased by using concave lenses and by
allowing only a high frequency radiation from sun rays to excite all the
electrons equally to high level.It can be done by using prism diffraction.Owing
to problems in prism installation,we can implement them by using violet
transparent sheet.
using the above methodologies, we have constructed a portable power source
utilizing renewable energies. The output of this MPG is highly dependent on
wind power, light intensity and battery power. By our field examinations, the
following result were observed,
wind generator mode:
35Kmph speed ,It produces 4.7volt and it reaches to stable 5volt at 45kmph.
solar mode:
It produces a stable 5volt in the
complete exposure of sun light.
battery mode:
A 1.5 volt 1500mAH battery can be
used to supply 5Volt for 1 hour.
And finally I have completed my project and now it is on the stage..
final year,
solar powered mobile charger,
wind powered mobile charger
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